Mary Drago:Please use this area to ask your questions during the presentation and after. We'll get started in a minute or two-a little delayed because of issues with the website James B. Bowen:In PEDs cases, what happens if parents or legal guardian has excluded conviction. Patient can't get marijuana Rx? Arielle Gerard:May I get a copy of this powerpoint? guest:If a patient is stopped by police after using medical marijuana, they get a DUI right? What happens when they want to get more marijuana? Are they restricted from obtaining more? Barbara Macfie 2:Was hospice patients included in the discussions Mary Drago:Other than anedoctal evidence on the benefits of marijuana use for medical conditions, are there any clinical trials substantianting its use? guest:What is an excluded felony? Arielle Gerard:For anyone interested in a comprehensive review of the clinical data we have on the topic, please see Grant et al.'s "Medical Marijuana: Clearing Away the Smoke" Arielle Gerard: guest:When a medical marijuana patient is hospitalized, what treatment is recommended since they can't smoke it in the hospital? Tara R:Are there any drug interactions between medical marijuana and HAART for patients living with HIV/AIDS, or any medications for that matter? Arielle Gerard:Are there safeguards for physicians against federal interference/license revocation by the federal government? I know that MA has had some issues. Anna McShane:Can you recommend any resources for employers attempting to maintain a drug-free workplace while honoring the AMMA? Jason Robert:Thanks~